FPSO Alexandre de Gusmão Arrives at Mero Field

by Amelia

Petrobras has officially confirmed the arrival of the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) unit Alexandre de Gusmão, which will be stationed at the Mero field, located 190 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro in ultra-deep waters, approximately 2,100 meters below the surface. The announcement was made by Petrobras’ CEO, Magda Chambriard, via a social media post on March 5, 2025.

The Alexandre de Gusmão embarked on its journey from China to Brazil in December and is slated to remain in the country for 22.5 years under a lease and operational contract with Petrobras, which was signed in 2021. The FPSO boasts an impressive production capacity of 180,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and gas compression capabilities of 12 million cubic meters per day. This new addition marks the fifth FPSO operating at the Mero field, joining existing units Pioneiro de Libra, Guanabara, Sepetiba, and Marechal Duque de Caxias. Together, the units will elevate the field’s production capacity to 770,000 bopd.

Discovered in 2010, the Mero field is governed by the Libra production-sharing agreement (PSA). The Libra consortium, operated by Petrobras (38.6%), includes Shell Brasil (19.3%), TotalEnergies (19.3%), CNPC (9.65%), CNOOC (9.65%), and Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) (3.5%), representing the Brazilian government in the non-contracted area.

“Mero is the third-largest oil field in Brazil, following only Tupi and Búzios in terms of oil volume and production. The addition of the FPSO Alexandre de Gusmão and the continued ramp-up of FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias will further boost production,” said Sylvia Anjos, Petrobras’ Exploration and Production Director.

On February 28, 2025, Mero’s production reached a significant milestone, achieving 500,000 bopd. This achievement follows closely behind the Búzios field, which recently set a record by reaching 800,000 bopd.

Petrobras CEO Magda Chambriard highlighted that Mero’s production success has been marked by technological advances and innovations, noting that reaching the 500,000 bopd milestone reflects the collaborative efforts across various sectors of the company, alongside the use of new technologies in its projects and operations.

The pre-salt fields, including Mero, now represent 81% of Petrobras’ total oil and gas production. Furthermore, the Santos Basin has been credited with contributing to the company’s proven reserves of oil, condensate, and natural gas in 2024, surpassing the previous year’s totals.

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